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- @3
- by zYLAX / PTK
- @4
- DreamWeb hmmm... so it's got sex, violence and an 18 certificate. At this
- point I would like to make it clear that I played this game purely for research
- purposes only and I am in no way a sadistic, perverted individual (well, not
- normally).
- Anyway, here's some hints for trainee psychopaths:@1
- (1) Before leaving Eden's flat make sure you have your wallet and the
- contents of the microwave.
- (2) Take the wrench and the screwdriver from Eden's garage.
- (3) Can't get into your flat? Look in your wallet.
- (4) To access the network, type @3LOGON RYAN@1 and use the password
- @3BLACKDRAGON@1. Some of the network commands you can use are @3READ@1
- and @3LIST@1 as well as filenames.
- (5) Examine and read cartridges.
- (6) Go and talk to Louis in his flat (yeah, while he having a dump) and
- don't forget the footwear when you leave.
- (7) Make sure you have a chat with the people in Sparky's bar.
- (8) Talk to the bartender in the pool hall.
- (9) Get a room in the hotel.
- (10) Use the lift and pick up the axe.
- (11) Can't find Crane! Try using the knife from your flat in the hotel
- lift.
- (1) Use the back entrance of the TV studio and enter by force.
- (2) That brochure looks suspicious!
- (3) Use the screwdriver on the fusebox.
- (4) How do you kill the General? I think FLATTEN THE FUCKER explains
- it.
- (1) Get the crystel from the DreamWeb.
- (2) Go to Eden's house and examine the purple shirt more closely.
- (3) Pick up any mug and chuck it into your inventory.
- (4) Use the door code @37833@1 at Sartain Industries. (I used the
- solution to get it coz I couldn't find it anywhere!)
- (5) Computer making you stressed? Use your gun!
- (6) Keep getting killed by Sartain's bodyguards? What do you have
- that's purple and protective.
- (7) Get the contents of the briefcase.
- (1) Get the wirecutters from the car park.
- (2) Get the cartridge from Chapel's house.
- (3) To access the cartridge, use @3LOGON BECKETT@1 and @3SEPTIMUS@1 as
- the password.
- (4) The railing at the beach near the boathouse looks loose!
- (5) Fill the cup at the pipe.
- (6) Fried by laser? Find a junction box and see what you can do with
- a railing and a cup of water.
- (1) What tool would you use to open the church gates?
- (2) Take the hand.
- (3) At the alter, use the hand and move it.
- (4) Examine the jar and take the jem.
- (5) Push the stone slab and put the jems on the stone tile.
- (6) Match the symbol at the statue with that in the Diary of a
- Madman. (Of course this will depend on your level of morals, ie
- have you got the original game and manual or are you playing a
- cracked copy? If you've got the broken one then your gonna have
- to do this bit by trial and error.)
- (7) Fill the mine cart with rocks.
- (8) Oh, and run away from Beckett and watch the train! HA! HA! (Cue
- maniac-type laugh)